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Stern Cheetah Tournament Rom V1

Tournament rom mods for Stern's Cheetah

  • Bonus Collect must be relit via completing #1-5 drops in order
  • Cleaned up some logic bugs with flashing arrows on the #1-5 bank
If anyone would like to test this or has any further suggestions, send me an email

Posted Friday, September 24, 2021
at 06:06 PM

Tags: Blog Post, Custom ROM, Cheetah, Pinball, Project, ,

Stern Dracula Tournament Rom V4

I've been working on a custom ROM for Stern's Dracula for a bit now. This was originally prompted by wanting to remove its 5x bonus rule. In the original ROM, there was no way to earn 5x. You could earn 2x bonus, but 5x could only be gained by random luck on the last ball, when it would alternate between 2x and 5x (once 2x was earned) when the slingshots were hit. This made it very bad for competition play, as a 5x bonus collect could often eclipse whole game scores.

After removing that rule, I decided to make the 5x earnable by the player, and then made some other tweaks to try to rebalance the game now that 5x was in play:

  • 5x alternation removed
  • 5x achieved by earning 2x bonus again after 2x bonus is already lit (eg, by completing the left 3-bank of drops twice and shooting the loop three times)
  • to make this a bit harder (since getting 5x should be harder than getting 2x twice), once you earn 2x bonus via either method, the other method resets (loop resets to first star, or 'light double bonus' light at left 3-bank turns off if it's on)
  • made the extra ball worth 25k points, and made it collectable multiple times per ball
  • lowered the special score from 100k to 70k (still playing around with this value to try to keep it balanced with the 5x bonus)
  • X-Y-Z target progress carry over from ball to ball (per player). Once special is lit, on the next ball you need to hit the Y target again to relight it.
  • free play
  • sped up 5x bonus collect

If anyone would like to test this or has any further suggestions, send me an email

Posted Tuesday, January 15, 2019
at 09:23 PM

Tags: Blog Post, Pinball, Project, Dracula, Custom ROM,

System 6 MPU Repair Log

When I got it, it was a clean board that worked a few months ago. Game stopped booting, so owner had rom and 5101 sockets replaced. Repairer says board booted on bench (LEDs turned off), but when installed in game it still didn't reach attract mode.

  • I replaced the (still original) CPU and RAM (IC13 only) sockets, but that made no difference
  • Installed Leon's test rom (flashes LEDs without using RAM, etc), but it didn't boot either
  • Tried Andre's test rom (tests all chips without using RAM, etc), also didn't boot.
  • Checked all the inputs of the ROM and PIA chips with logic probe, none were stuck.
  • Replaced data line buffers (IC9+10) with jumpers in case they were a problem, but no difference.
  • Found out Andre's test rom also strobes A15 line along with LEDs (in case the PIA outputs or LED chip are broken), so I checked that but it also wasn't working. At this point I reason that the problem must be between the CPU and ROM (both known good).
  • Although all the address and data lines are strobing, it's still not working, so one must be strobing wrong somehow.
  • I write up a quick test rom comprising nothing but infinite loops, reasoning that this will keep the program counter (and thus the address lines since no other accesses are happening) constant. Installed in a known good board, it works as expected. Reading off the address lines one by one reports the address $7800, which is the first byte of the rom.
  • When installed in the problem board, A9-11 are low (as expected) but every line below them is strobing. I can't really explain this, why would the CPU be jumping all through a 512 byte subset of memory?
  • I Remove the remaining RAM (IC16) and PIA, but nothing changes
  • Since the data on the data lines should now be predictable (just reading the entry address, and then that address itself repeatedly), I reason that I should be able to pick it up with a logic analyzer. With mine hooked up to the 8 data lines, I record them at 24MHz (for overkill), and examine them, but I don't see any of that data. # - What I do note though is that at the beginning of the boot, D6 seems to wobble a bit while the rest don't. I don't know if that wobble is normal, but the one reliable thing about any pinball related troubleshooting, I've found, is that if there's 8 of a thing they tend to act the same, so I suspect something is up with the D6 line
  • I take out the CPU and rom, meaning that, per my look over the schematics, nothing should be attached to any of the data lines now (and thus they should all be floating), but when I apply power, I still read a signal on D6.
  • Something must be shorted somewhere, so I begin checking the resistance between D6 and every other signal on the board, eventually finding that it has continuity to A6. All that's left now is to actually find it
  • I begin at the source of D6 (IC9), and visually follow the trace all around the board, looking for any potential problems, but am unable to find any. Usually a short is between two adjacent pads of a chip, but looking at the various chips, none have A6 and D6 near each other. What I do realize though, is that the RAM chips have them directly across from each other. The chips are too wide to have a short that way, but the way these boards are routed with both chips next to each other, they squeezed the signals from the left side of the chip between the right side pads to reach the next chip over, which means the trace gets awfully close to the pads. To make matters worse, due to their cheap board manufacturing process, instead of masking off individual pads for soldering, they just did the whole strip of pads, which includes the traces running between the pads.
  • Although I'm unable to see a problem, this area seems suspect, so I desolder the sockets and confirm my theory: there's a tiny bit of solder bridging the pad of D6 to the A6 trace running next to it.
  • After removing the solder, the board boots fine

Posted Tuesday, April 17, 2018
at 11:31 PM

Tags: Blog Post, Pinball, Repairs,