Homebrew Pinball #3, Part 57

Cross posted from the original Pinside thread, this is one of many posts regarding my third homebrew pinball machine, creatively nicknamed 'P3'

Reassembled and dropped it in the cab again for more testing.

Everything seemed to work fine. No mechs were sticking, no raising of the plastic anywhere. I left it sitting for a while with the transformer+electronics on in case that would trap any heat underneath, but nothing happened. I'm still quite suspicious, but I can't really think of any more testing I can do at this point, and the playfield does look so nice and shiny....

So I took the playfield back out, and disassembled the whole thing again. I'm getting very fast at this, but it's still a pain. One thing I'd try differently next time is the side rails. Currently they're under the plastic, but I think it'd be fine to have the plastic 1mm away from them. This'd save at least a quarter of all the screws I need to remove when taking the plastic off, and prevent the playfield from having time to sag while the rails are removed. Within a few hours of removing them there's a noticeable 1/4" dip in the middle of the playfield, which is more than I'd have expected, especially with all the drop target banks already removed... I assume my playfield wood just isn't as sturdy as what manufacturers use, but nothing I can do about that

With the plastic removed and everything stripped off, I have some updates to do that I've been putting off:
- the right controlled gate for the top lanes needs to be moved about 1/2" to the left to prevent ball hangups
- the right-most upper lane needs a new rollover drilled in line with the others, since previously it only had a 'bottom' row switch
- need to add lane guides to the upper lanes so the ball doesn't fall the wrong way
- the target under the upper left flipper needs some tweaking. The hole isn't big enough to fit it through right now, so I need to extend it, and I want to reposition the guide wire below it to give a better feed
- I've removed the upper left target (it was sort of under the ramp above the upper left flipper) since it can't be hit due to the pop bumper being replaced with a rubber (it wasn't really hittable before either), so now I can make a new guide going from the upper eject hole to the upper left flipper that doesn't have a gap in it for the target, which will hopefully improve that feed.
- widen a few holes and slots slightly since some mechs would occasionally bind a bit on the edges

Once that's out of the way, I'll move on to the fun part: cutting a 10" hole in the middle of the playfield for the LCD screen. No chances to mess up horribly here, nope...
And then I can cut another 2.5" hole for the upper magnet and finally get that installed again!

Posted Tuesday, November 16, 2021
at 10:27 AM

Tags: Blog Post, Pinball, Project, P3,

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